Thursday, January 6, 2011

God Given Talent(s)

I almost didn't find the email to join. Thank goodness I did. It was buried with emails that were advertisements.
Yesterday I read a brief article talking about denying our God given talents and how that causes problems for us like obesity, depression, etc. The article stated that each and everyone of us has a God given set of talents and a path to walk and bless others with those talents. The key to happiness is to embrace what God has given us and use it to benefit others. Problems arise when we deny our talents or don't ever find them. For every talent there is a task. Do we know what our talents are? Are we willing to find and develop new ones as well as use the old ones? How can we use these to glorify God?


  1. Thanks for sharing the insights on talents and joining us on the journey to deeper understanding of Father's love and how we can better share that with others.

  2. Welcome, my sister! I am personally looking forward to seeing the things you will bring. Thanks for joining us as we get off the pew and into the world.

  3. Just received this from the Catablog ~
    "Has God given you an idea? Then what are you waiting for? Do it. Please. For the sake of the Body.
    Afraid of failure? Don't be.
    If you succeed, great. If you fail, great, because you can LEARN a ton from your failure, which will help you next time!"

    Tune in to God and step out in Spirit power to make a difference!

  4. Thanks guys,
    This is post #2 so lets see if it makes it! I was thinking as I read your comments about Babe
    Ruth. How many balls did he miss while in the process of setting his record? I don't know the exact number but I do know it was alot. If we are truly listening and being directed by the Spirit then there are really no mistakes because all things work for good...
    I love each and everyone of youse guys!!


Relational Tithe

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