Monday, January 17, 2011

The Heart of Passion 2011

The following excerpt is from an interview by Emily Hoernschemeyer of CCM (Christ. Community. Music.) Digital Magazine (page 34) with Louie Giglio about Passion 2011 just prior to the event in Atlanta, GA.  This is Louie's response to questions about what he is looking forward to at this year's conferences, what God was leading him to speak on, his prayer for Passion and how the music component fits in with worship:

"What does it mean for me to live for what matters most? That's the heart of Passion ~ what does it mean for me to live my life in such a way that it makes Jesus famous? There are a lot of people who haven't heard about His name and we want to make sure they hear about His renowned fame.

Our Bible studies are focused around Philippians 2, but we are going to be unpacking the glory of God for students, then build on themes of justice and the reality of Jesus' fame.

We are praying that people would be restored, that they would find hope again, that their dreams will be breathed on, that they will sense how valuable they are to God and that they will really believe His credibility, faithfulness and purpose for them through His supernatural and transforming presence.

Music is a non-debatable universal language that people speak. Worship is central because it unifies us instantly. We are not about singing great songs; we want those great songs to fuel us in this moving out to do what God wants most: justice, obedience, and people coming to know Him."

Is that your passion?

1 comment:

  1. "He has told you, O man, what is good;
    And what does the Lord require of you
    But to do justice, to love kindness,
    And to walk humbly with your God?

    - Micah 6:8


Relational Tithe

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