Sunday, January 9, 2011

Following the Quintessential Nonconformist

"I have a conviction that keeps me up early and keeps me up late: there are ways of doing church that no one has thought of yet. If we keep trying to meet new challenges with tired old ideas, I'm afraid we'll fade into irrelevant oblivion. What we need is the freedom to experiment. We need to dream God-sized dreams and take God-sized risks. We need to dare to be different. ...

Don't try to be who you're not. Be yourself. Don't settle for the status quo. Challenge it. Don't do it the way it's always been done. Dare to be different. Nonconformity invites criticism, but that is the only option if you're following in the footsteps of the quintessential nonconformist, Jesus. God doesn't just give us permission to give expression to our uniqueness; He demands it. And the future of the kingdom may depend upon it."

- Mark Batterson, Primal

1 comment:

  1. Amen, brother. I was thinking on the next class I am preparing to teach. So far we have studied the people in the bloodline of Jesus. This week we are going to talk about Lot who was a descendant of Ruth. I was thinking about how all of these people fit into the bloodline of Jesus to make Him a Savior for all. I was thinking these peoples lives fit into Him before His birth to make Him who He was as a man. How do I fit into Him now that He has died and been reborn? How does He fit into me?


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