The man who is know as Ed is a strange fellow. We have seen him around a good bit over the past 4 months, and have ministered to him when opportunities arose. Marion asked his name one time, and he told Marion "he was known as Ed". Funny! Ed is easy to recognize because he his always wearing these white rubber boots.
Ed was one of our last stop's of the day yesterday. We were looking for Bones, and spotted Ed in the alley behind the Downtown Shreve Memorial Library. We stopped and brought him coffee and a breakfast burrito, and started up a conversation with him. He railed against the Republicans and the people of First United Methodist (who like to be in the spot light). He told us we are not like those people at First United Methodist, who just want to be in front of the camera helping the homeless. He informed us we were "Christians". I'm not sure where he got that idea. I never told him. He told us he had been on the streets for a little over 18 and a half years. Right now he is living on the back porch of a print shop downtown. He said the owner trusts him because he does not smoke, use alcohol, or drugs. I would love to sit down with him and dialog for a few hours. He is interesting, but peculiar (but aren't we all). As we were leaving and saying our goodbyes, all of the guys shook hands with Ed. Tina went to hug him, as usual for her and Lorie, and I thought he was going to have a stroke. He stiffened up and stuck out his hand to her, but she hugged him anyhow. Ha! Poor guy has been without affection for so long he don't know how to accept it. That's kind of the way I am with trying to accept Father's affections for me though.
I think if we were truly honest, we'd be willing to admit that we all have trouble understanding and accepting Father's love! Perhaps that's why it's so difficult for us to share His love... That should never deter us from freely sharing what little we do comprehend and allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work.