Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Living Life

The following is from a book Jim loaned me -- Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers (Thanks, Jim. It's great!):

We are the masters of keeping people breathing, but we know very little about really being alive. No matter how well we live, life as we know it is a nonrenewable resource. But life as God knows it is renewable. God's life is eternal. It has no beginning. Which also means it has no end -- no future when it will be different than it always has been. So God's life is always here, always now, always with us , always complete. "Living Christ means a living cross. Everything else is a living death." (Ghandi)... To live the glory of God with Jesus is to give ourselves to one another, even as Jesus gave himself for those who betrayed him on the cross. It is a life that, admittedly, looks like dying.... To cling to the gift of life we've been given and scramble to protect our own interests is to cooperate in a culture of death that threatens to destroy us all. John 17 begins with a plea for eternal life that will save the world from such death. This is the eternal life that we do not have to die to find. It begins now with a new way of living -- and to it there is no end.


  1. Great stuff Stef! Loosing to gain? Upside down and backwards...radical His!

  2. I just thank God for the special gift of my ordinary radical friends. They are showing me (through Father) how to give myself away. Ain't it grand! Ain't He grand!


Relational Tithe

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