"But in my rush to follow Jesus to the White House, I almost tripped over him one day on my way to lunch at Union Station. Just outside the doors of that great building, a man was crouched down, holding a styrofoam cup. He asked if I could spare some change, and I looked at him without saying a word. I remembered what I'd heard back in King about how poor folks in the city were lazy and begged money to buy drugs and booze. A country boy in the city, I was dressed in my Sunday best, doing everything I knew how to fit in. I didn't want to look naive. So I looked straight through the man and kept walking.
But about the time I stepped through those glass doors into Union Station, I recalled one of my memory verses from vacation Bible school. They were the words of Jesus, ringing in my head: "Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me" (Matt. 25:45 KJV). I knew that if those words were true, I had not only just ignored a fellow human being; I had completely missed the Lord I was trying to serve. I turned around and ran all the way back to my little dorm room on Capitol Hill, found one of the Billy Graham tracts my church had sent with me to the big city, wrapped a twenty-dollar bill around it, and returned to Union Station to deposit it in that man's styrofoam cup. It was the only thing I could think to do at the time. I just didn't want to miss Jesus."
- New Monasticism, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
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