Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fighting for God?

The question of "Do we/should we fight for God?' is answered well in Jesus Freaks II. Zhao Xia is the wife of pastor Li De Xian in China. He has been repeatedly imprisoned and tortured for his preaching. She says of their lifestyle, "We are constantly reminded that we are in a spiritual war. We know for whom we are fighting. We know who the enemy is. And we are fighting. Perhaps we should pray for you Christians outside of China. In your leisure, in your affluence, in your freedom, sometimes you no longer realize that you are in spiritual warfare."

1 comment:

  1. If it's a spiritual battle being fought, I doubt any human effort will aid in the fight! Our spirit must be united with Father and His power wielded against the enemy. There's nothing of us that will be effective in combating spiritual foes; Christ has the victory and we must join in that. Does God really "need" our help and can we truly "fight for" Him? We can take up the cause of injustice against the poor, widowed, and orphaned out of the overflow of Father's lvoe. That's what He's called us to do. Love in action is a powerful "weapon". On guard!


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